Panhu Village, Ganziping Town, Fenghuang County, Xiangxi, is on a dangerous terrain, surrounded by mountains on three sides. It was once an important pass from Laer Mountain to Jishou. On the north of the village, there is a big mountain with a cave on it and many stone tools inside. People in the village call this hole Panhu Cave, and there are many stories about the migration of the Miao nationality. Between Panhu Cave and the village, there is a dangerous mountain like a knife cut. On the top of the mountain, there are many stone walls built with stones, about 100 meters long and 2 to 3 meters wide, which are spectacular. It is said that this stone wall is part of the "Southern Side Wall".
Chinese source: Unity
Translated by Rednet International Communication Center
關鍵詞: County
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